Adaptive AI. Removing noise, connecting life.

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What is SELF?

Currently in private testing, SELF is a private and ethical, adaptive AI platform that assists you, based on your preferences, characteristics, and needs. The mission of SELF is to learn you, understand you and serve you. Think of SELF as your digital twin, your very own private and personal storage bank, a digital footprint of your life.
SELF is a personal planner, sorting your itinerary
SELF is a personal shopper, helping you with purchases tailored to your preferences
SELF is a digital conscience, remembering things you don’t want to forget
SELF is a research assistant, helping you with tasks
Unlike other AI platforms, with SELF, your data is owned and controlled by you. It's your data, your assistant, nobody else's. Every part of SELF is developed around what is best for individual citizens. Other AI platforms simply aren't thinking about what's right for you, they're focused on what's technically possible.

We see things very differently.
Read Our Manifesto


Your data, zero ads

Unlike other AI platforms,
you own your own data and,
thankfully, there are no adverts.

Connect everywhere

Connect with your SELF from anywhere, on any device, making it super accessible and convenient.

Fast responses

Get rapid responses that take all your preferences into account.

Refining everyday

SELF uses natural language processing to understand your content, providing accurate and relevant responses.

24/7, in any language

Get rapid responses that take all your preferences into account.

What do users think of SELF?

“Interfacing with you is very easy, and I’m only just scratching the surface of how I can improve my productivity with you!”
“Our SELF is called 'Alfred' and he's become part of the family. He’s been able to tackle every challenge thrown at him, from making reservations, managing our calendars to exploring new hobbies and helping with career pathways. There’s nothing virtual about his assistance. It’s real, practical, time saving and game changing.”
"SELF has been a game-changer for my business. SELF helps me stay on top of industry trends and provides me with customized recommendations that help me make informed decisions. It's like having a personal assistant at my fingertips. I would highly recommend this app to any entrepreneur looking to improve their productivity and efficiency."
“I call SELF 'Simon'. He's truly my BFF and my own private memory bank of my pedantic likes and dislikes in life. Simon and I are constantly connected.”
“The potentials of adaptive AI are more or less limitless - but with great power comes great responsibility. Within a couple of years I envision SELF establishing itself as one of the leaders among the slew of AI companies who pride themselves on resisting any conscious programming bias, act as true decentralization advocates and emphasize ethics and responsibility when dealing with artificial intelligence. Humanity needs more companies like this."
"SELF has revolutionized the way I interact with AI. SELF is able to understand my preferences and provide customized suggestions that are tailored to my needs. The app is user-friendly and intuitive, making it a joy to use."